2024W43: Preparing for NNWC 2024

Hi friends, if you’re joining NNWC 2024, the time to prepare is right now! Here are a few books and other resources that have helped me get ready…

Blueprint for a Nonfiction Book by Jennie Nash

What a breath of fresh air this book is! The first half is about writing nonfiction, from a writing coach’s no-nonsense perspective. I can just feel her “get it done” energy coming off the pages. Very motivating! The second half is about pitching the book to a publisher, if you want to go that route. I probably won’t, so I have not finished that section yet.

Write Useful Books by Rob Fitzpatrick

I didn’t realize when I read this book that I had also read the same author’s prior book on writing workshops! Similarly, I found Write Useful Books to be very simple, practical, and action-oriented. Lots of book-writing advice includes identifying your ideal reader, but Fitzpatrick takes it further with a really neat idea of soliciting feedback from your ideal readers while you are writing. Of course, this will take time and the calling in of lots of favors. But seems like it could be ever worth it. Also, this is really geared toward self-published books and Fitzpatrick tells you why.

Mini Book Model by Chris Stanley

I purchased and downloaded this title on publication day, totally on a whim. There are some useful simplifications of the form of mini books, and other good ideas. However, I’m not sure how I feel about blatantly ripping off cover designs of books in the same space. Also, a mini book according to this author is literally one level deeper than an outline. But if you are someone who has felt overwhelmed by “writing a book,” I think this book provides a very accessible (and scalable) approach.

My Day in Small Drawings by Matilda Tristram

I wanted to include at least one title that incorporates drawing and illustration with writing. The context of this book is more about daily journaling with drawing, rather than writing and illustrating nonfiction books, but I found it helpful regardless.

Everybody Writes by Ann Handley

I found this book super helpful and encouraging when I read it 10 years ago, for blog writing. It’s been updated since, though I do not have and have not read the updated version.

On Writing Well by William Zinsser

This book is a classic for a reason! It was recommended to me for a job many years ago, when I needed to write technical white papers. I was blown away then and on re-read in the years since, it still blows me away. I may try to get in another power read before November 1!